My children LOVE the bath. Even Titan seems to understand what is going on when we start the bathtub. He starts kicking his legs like crazy. The bath is a sanctuary in our house. It means that everyone is in one place, usually happy, getting clean and enjoying each other. We tend to save our bath nights for the nights that Daddy is gone. It is something fun to do and takes up usually an hour! I love it, they love it, everyone wins.
My children love to play with shaving cream in the tub. They have been painting their toys with shaving cream lately so tonight I grabbed the paint brushes and the food coloring. The result was pure genius....
My 4 kids will not fit in the bathtub. Titan is outgrowing his little tub. I usually just place it outside of the big tub with towels underneath it to catch the water splashing out. My problem is that T is not quite ready to roll with the big kids, nor is there room for him in the already crowded tub, and I LOVE having them all bathe together. Like I said earlier, it is such a wonderful hour in the evenings so WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHEN TITAN OUT GROWS HIS LITTLE TUB????
I realize that at some point Myla will need to stop bathing with the boys and Quinn could start taking a shower but I don't want to give up bath time.
So fun Meg! You're going to have to start doing baths in shifts or something!
Have you seen this tub? I think Titan would fit in this one for a while yet...
What a fun idea, I am putting that one in the back of my brain, Claire will love that someday!!
Meg I think its time to invest in a indoor hot tub! Can you imagine how much fun that would be!!! Warm water for the kiddo's and then a nice hot jacuzzi for mommma!!!
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