Rex Michael

Rex is our rough, tough, dance party starting, daddy wrestling, sibling cherishing, Quinn following, ball loving, independent, outdoor adoring, bug holding, stubborn, goofy, smiley, 100% boy and technically 3rd born.

Rex and Myla made their appearance 8 weeks early and spent 25 days in the NICU. Rex is by far our most stubborn child. Even in the womb he refused to turn head down and laid across the whole top of my uterus. Myla kicked him for 32 weeks and he just laid right on top of her! His stubborn-ness has served him well and has made him a strong fighter through sickness and tough times. 

Rex' eyes are the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen. There is no hiding when he is happy, sad, mad, excited, his eyes can light up a room or make you want to give him whatever he wants just to make him happy again. People often ask me how I say no to him, his eyes melt your heart.

I have had several friends tell me that they "want a Rex child." I can't blame them. He is an amazing boy with the sweetest personality and such a fun spirit! 

Rex is Quinn's shadow, Myla's pal and Titan's biggest fan but he adores his daddy more than anyone.

Everyone always says that they want twins. Well I've got them and believe me, you do! There is something truly amazing about two gifts at one time. And Rex has been nothing short of an incredible son. We adore our little Rexy.
Rex in the fall of 2011, age 2.