The only problem with being so excited for Christmas in Arkansas is that we have been so excited for Christmas in Arkansas since the end of September when we last saw Nana and Papa and little kids have NO CONCEPT OF TIME.
For example, before going to bed we usually talk about what we are going to do the next day, things that we have to look forward to for tomorrow. Then when we wake up in the morning and I remind them of what we are doing, Quinn always says, "so this is tomorrow now..." and then explaining that what was tomorrow is now today results in a very interesting conversation.
So, due to the difficulty that little kids have with the concept of time I have to constantly be the bearer of bad news that today is not the day we are going to Arkansas. Yesterday morning I informed them that in ONE WEEK we would be eating breakfast with Nana and Papa. A few minutes later Quinn looked at me and asked, "has it been one week yet?" Later that day he asked me if "tonight is the night we are wearing our pajamas in the car to Nana and Papa's?"
Their struggle with time also works to my advantage. I often tell them, "two minutes" until we have to go, until they have to share a toy, until dinner time, until it's bed time, until Daddy gets home, until we can play a game. The reason it works to my advantage is that "two minutes" can be about any increment of time that I want it to be, two minutes, twenty minutes, right now they don't really know the difference. It is funny because they often say, "two more minutes" to me. They are becoming good negotiators and when asked to share a toy their response will be, "two more minutes, " when told it's time to put toys away their response will be, "two more minutes." I guess I will have to work on making two minutes actually two minutes for when they understand time better and can read a clock. For now I guess, "two minutes" just means sometime in the future you will need to do something or go somewhere.
These next few pictures are from my alone time with Titan this afternoon.
I adore him.
we can't wait!!
Mego, you should make a paper chain to count down! Titan is adorable. Can't wait to see you!
While on a photo shoot, we often bribe the kiddos with a "two more minutes of smiles and then we can be done"! That no concept of time can definitely work for you or against you! :)
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