Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Titan!

Happy 1st Birthday to our baby boy!

I'm not sure that we have ever had such a determined little one. He is a man on a mission, determined to make his way into any and every activity, mess up his siblings toys, climb onto any chair and then table, climb out of his high chair while buckled, open every drawer and just be in the middle of all the chaos. He absolutely delights in joining all the wrestling and seems to handle being knocked down and bumped and shoved as well as any big kid I know. He is quite successful at making his way into everything and we love that he just loves being involved in it all.

He is definitely just one of our little gang. One of my favorite things is watching one of my big kids play individually with him, playing catch or cars or pushing strollers around with him. Titan Timothy is not one to be ignored and quite frequently makes his siblings erupt into belly rolling laughter to which he feeds off of and joyfully does whatever he did again. It is wonderful to watch, he sees them laughing at him and immediately does it again. He's going to be a little joker.

He has dominated all our other children in the physical aspects of his first year. Rolling over months before the others, crawling, and walking. Titan was walking before some of the others were even crawling. Determined. Even as he was just getting a used to his feet underneath himself he would fall and get right back up only to fall again. For the past few weeks he has basically solely been walking. It's been fun seeing my little man on the move.

It wouldn't be fair to talk about Titan without talking about his extreme love for me, Dan as well, but mom trumps everything! As rough and tough and determined as he is, he's still his momma's boy. I'm sure he will learn soon that life is incredibly fun out reach of his momma.

I cannot even believe what a blessing Titan is. He is the easiest kid in the world to get to smile. He is just my sweet, rarely cuddly (but I'll take what I can get), youngest stud. He really is a stud. So thankful for him and all the joy he brings to our whole family.

I have a whole slew of pictures from our vacation so far... the only problem is the internet here is quite possibly the slowest thing ever so I all I've got for you is the one picture today, Titan in all his glory, crazy hair, mess all over, huge smile. That's my boy!

Happy 1st Birthday to my Tenacious Titan Timothy!

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