Monday, November 22, 2010

A Cardboard Box!

We LOVE cardboard boxes around our house these days.
Quinn will sit on the stairs for HOURS (no joke) and drum with chopsticks from PF Changs (I'm such a fun mom, I always bring home more drum sticks after a date there). He tells Dan and I that he is a "drummin man!" He has been through many many cardboard boxes because he drums holes in each one, as you can see below. I especially love his facial expression in this picture. We are a singing, guitar playing, drummin family!
I love that he loves music.

Rex sporting Quinton's old Pj's. Quinn has caught on to the trend of Rex wearing all his old clothes and almost daily he says, "I used to wear that when I was a baby like Rexy." He calls him "Rexy" which is so so sweet!
Check out Quinn in these same PJ's.
Man how time flies. I seriously remember him sitting at my parents for Christmas in the middle of a bunch of wrapping paper wearing these. I sure do love these memories.
Another example of our love for cardboard boxes, they become boats and trains, basically anything that moves. It is fun to watch them enjoy playing together.
Quinn has a fun imagination.
He can make anything out of a box. He turns the wash cloths in the bath into sea lions, he is chased around the house by dinosaurs, he tackles alligators and he includes Rex and Myla in it all!
Do you think they look alike?
Some days I think A LOT alike and other days I don't see it at all!
He is the favorite around our house! I'm pretty sure that even if I try I won't ever be as fun as Dan. He jumps, rolls, gives rides, runs, he is ACTION PACKED! Although I attempt all those things, my efforts pale in comparison to his. I am truly thankful for Dan. He is always on his A game at home and has never ending love for me and my kids. He the best daddy and my kids know it!
Another favorite playing spot around our house is the leather chair. EVERYONE gets on it together and climbs and wrestles and giggles.
In the last few weeks I feel like Rex and Myla have begun to understand SO much. They will go pick out books when I ask them, they will find Quinn when he's not in the room, they will look out the window for squirrels if you tell them to look, they love looking out the window for their much loved Daddy. They are really funny and both a little sassy in their own way. Truly such joys in my life. It is really really fun as they get older and start to join in everything.
Quinton is such an amazing little boy, not perfect, but seriously the sweetest two year old I know. He has more energy than I know what to do with, forcing every area in our house to be like a jungle gym. The boy LOVES TO RUN and is not afraid to jump off of everything. One of his older friends jumped backwards off our stairs, well I quickly told him he was too little for that and when he turned three he could jump backwards. Well, I should have said five because the other day he said, "In March when I turn three I can jump off the stairs backwards," oh well, I guess it will be something to look forward to in a few months.
I was reading to Quinton the other night and he asked me for a blanket to make his feet toasty, well I was too comfortable to get up and get him one so I told him I would sit on his feet to make them toasty. He liked that idea a lot and when we were done reading he leaned over and gave me a kiss and said, "thanks for sitting on my feet and making them toasty!" What a sweet boy. He is constantly making us laugh and saying such sweet things to all of us. He is always watching out for Rex and Myla! Hands down my FAVORITE two year old!

He tattooed his hand with marker which them throughout the day made it all over his face,
oh well!

My Goofy Rex
My Funny Girl

With more sickness going around our family, my babies enjoyed a popsicle the other night after dinner. I think they enjoyed it!
I just thought she looked really beautiful in this picture
Don't be deceived by his innocent face, he trouble in the high chair. Let's just say he enjoys putting everything on the floor....

My Favorite twins
Getting in the holiday spirit I let them enjoy little candy canes.
What a sticky mess!
What a goof

We enjoyed a WONDERFUL play date at the mall play place this morning with my friend Tonya and her son Coen. Coen is about 6 months older than Quinn and they are good pals. Quinn loves "his boys" as he calls them. He will come home from a play date or church he always says, "I love playing with my boys." When we were leaving the mall Santa caught the boys attention. They both gave him hugs and high fives but Quinn was more fascinated with the big chair!
I thought this was such a cute picture.
Maybe Quinn will have to ask Santa for some more cardboard drums and chopstick drum sticks!
We are truly blessed, truly thankful, and looking forward to Thankgiving with the Rude Family. We have A LOT to be thankful for!

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