Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jett's 2 Months

Two months have passed since I held my newest love in my arms for the first time (well two months and a few days now). It's always crazy how fast time goes. It's hard to comprehend life without our precious little Jett.

It is so fun to see him smile at his siblings, it's amazing how he just learns that someone is always going to be up in his face, that he may get hit with a ball or accidentally sat on (there have been several times kids have tripped over his bouncer while he is in it in the kitchen and sat on him). I think that he likes the chaos though. It seems like he is happier when there is someone in his face and lots going on around him. I guess that's what happens when you're #5.
As much as I completely enjoy holding a new baby snuggled on my chest, there is something so sweet about when they begin to smile. I love when they make eye contact with you and their whole face lights up. 

I think he kinda likes me!
Jett has been spending a lot more of the day awake.  I feel like we are getting into a somewhat normal (whatever that means for a two month old) schedule. He has been sleeping up to 8 hours some nights! He's my little rock star. 

He does not, however, have the same crazy strength and drive as Titan did at this age. Ty was rolling over by 2 months but I kinda like that Jett's in no rush. He doesn't love tummy time but lasts longer if there is something fun and crazy going on in front of him. He enjoys watching their cars race around the track or lego building or ninja turtle playing. 
His eyes are bright, bright, bright blue. I do remember Quinton's being the same way and now Quinn is totally brown. We will see how he turns out! Before Jett was born all the boys in our house had brown eyes and the girls blue so we are all interested to see if his eyes change. 
I am incredibly thankful to be Jett's momma. He has just a sweet spirit even at 2 months. I love how quickly he calms down when I pick him up.
We have survived our first two months as a family of seven. Would not change a thing about our family.I am extremely blessed to snuggle him daily. Loving our Jett Abell Rude!

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