Happy Birthday Rex & Myla!
I can't even believe that they are two years old. It literally seems like yesterday that I was on bed rest and now they are talking and running circles around me.
I always like to look back at what they looked like and where they have come over the last year or so. It is always a good reminder for me to be so thankful when I look at pictures of them when they were born. You would never know now that they spent the first month of their life in the NICU.
So this is where we were 2 years ago.
My beautiful 3 lb 8 oz baby girl
Myla Jane

My perfect 5 lb 9 oz stud
Rex Michael

They were best buds from the beginning

Getting older

Over the last year it has been amazing to see their personalities emerge. They both are very spunky in their own way.

It's funny just how much they can change in one year. They look so different and do so many more things than they did a year ago. Amazing all the learning that they do!

It is fun to look at Myla's hair growth!

Rex still does that goofy smile!

I love watching them figure out how to ride a scooter, how to get their own shoes on, how to use their fork, all these different skills that they figure out on their own!

My bald little girl

I have loved making Miss Myla so girly and she loves all her little accessories

I'm pretty sure that I love this Tom Brady look on Rexy, maybe we will have to let it grow long again!

I don't necessarily love looking at this picture but it is a good reminder to me to be so thankful and to remember the Lord's provision over our family during this tough time. 12 days in the PICU and the hospital. Just thinking about the whole situation can bring me to tears and reminds me to not take any of my kids for-granted.

Myla was so happy once Rexy came home

Rex back to his smiley self

Although these two have their moments, they really do love each other. I sometimes wish that I had a camera in their room so that I could see just what happens when they are in there together. Sometimes they can't stop giggling!

Goofy Rex

One of her first pony tails!

Rex showing off his love of slimy things! He adores anything that is moving. He loves fish, frogs, dogs, squishing any bug that he finds. He has quite a connection with nature.

Rex and Myla with their favorite person in the world, THEIR DADDY!

Well, look at how big they are now!

We had nothing but fun with Quinn's twos and we are expecting no different with Rex and Myla. I'm pretty sure that we are going to call them the tremendous twos! We are blessed to have such amazing children and have thoroughly enjoyed watching them grow and change. We are looking forward to another year running after these two!
Happy Birthday Rex and Myla!