I'm pretty sure that I have the cutest kids in the world.
It's awesome how a parents looks at their own kids. Some days I'm just amazed that they are all mine! I think that it is totally true that you always think that you have the cutest kids.... cause I sure do!
We enjoyed some time outdoors today after church. My boys ran around in their undershirts and looked so tough and cute.
Quinn's constantly amazes me.

This is what happens when you try and take a picture of Rex now. What a cheese ball. I have a feeling that he gets some of his goofiness from his daddy.
Two of my handsome boys.

Me and my cheese ball.

Our neighbors got a new dog and we have gotten to enjoy Jetta a lot.
Our neighbors have been very kind to us since we have moved in and are always willing to let my kids pet Jetta. Today they were doing yard work so they put her over the fence for us to play with and run around. It makes us think for a brief minute about getting one, and then I remember that I will have four kids under three and a half and that I don't really like dogs!
But regardless we had a fun time with Jetta and my kids can't get enough of her.

They don't allow her much breathing space.

Pure joy!

Quinn liked running with her the best.
Jetta is kind of little and got tired out way before Quinn did.

Too much fun

This is a typical Rex look... goofy, skeptical...

The Rude Girls.
We have to stick together!
Not sure if you can tell in this picture of not but we painted Myla's toe nails and finger nails for the first time last night. You put such a little amount on that they dry super fast. Everyone was entertained by the event and Myla looks so cute with pink fingers and toes. She looked SOO sweet for church today with her nails done. black leggings with ruffles at the bottom, a cute little black dress, a headband with a big pink flower and her new pink sandals.

Despite desperately praying for stick straight hair for Myla, it appears that she will have curls. I will just have to learn to tame them and control them and embrace them!

Quinn LOVES his golf clubs. He as gotten to be quite the golfer.

Rex enjoys golfing too.

Check out these cute summer shoes.
The leggings are pretty big so they kept coming down.

Before church Quinn practicing on his guitar.
He's looking pretty cute in his new birthday shirt from his Aunts.

Myla joining in the band

We love Sunday's at our house.
We get to go see all of our wonderful friends all morning at church, we come home and enjoy lunch with Daddy, play (now that it's nice, play outside), nap time for everyone (or blog time for me) and today we are planning a walk to the park with some pretzels and apples after naps and swing by Dairy Queen for some ice cream on our way home (a fun Sunday night dinner). I'm pretty sure that I LOVE the warmer weather and I love my cute amazing kids!