Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feeling Better!!

After a rough start to the year, I think that the Rude family is finally on the up-swing from all the sicknesses we were suffering. Viruses were relentlessly attacking our house and we passed them around multiple times. But a couple doctors visits, five bottles of pedialite and a few hundred phone calls to the nurse hotline and we are back to 100%!!!

Dan and I continue to grow in our love and adoration of Quinton. Neither one of us can believe that he is already 10 months old. He continues to amaze us and bring so much joy to our lives. We are entering the "No" stage and even that has been wonderful as we see his personality emerge even more. He makes it very clear what he likes and does not like and seems to think that ANYTHING that his dad does is hilarious. Dan can always make him laugh... sometimes I think Quinn thinks he's the fun parent! But never the less we have our fair share of good times. He has become quite a help around the house and has taken up sweeping my floors for me with his clothes as he pushes himself around our wood floors. He is especially good at getting under the couches and the table!

My Favorite Picture :)

Check out all this hair I've been working on...

Just the sweetest!

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