Sunday, November 29, 2009


Thankful... That is exactly what Dan and I are for our amazing family! When I look back at all that has happened this past year I cannot help but be unbelievably thankful for everything that the Lord has given us and all that He has taught us and all the circumstances that He has brought us through. A year ago we had no idea that we would be blessed with two more Wee Rudes. Crazy how much can happen in a year.

A few of the things that I am thankful for...
3 Healthy and Beautiful children
That Myla and Rex are growing and developing so well
That Quinton has adjusted so well to having Rex and Myla around
That I have an amazing husband who willingly wakes up with me every night (as long as we can watch ESPN) to help me with the babies
The fact that I am now a Mini Van Mom!
That we have so many family members and friends who bent over backwards to help us while I was on bed rest and after the babies were born. I cannot even put into words how helpful everyone was and continues to be. That was definitely a time in our lives that required us to trust the Lord and rely on the help of so many people. I am truly grateful for everyone who sacrificed so much to help us out!

Myla looking beautiful!
I sure do enjoy having pink around!Both babies are smiling more and more. It is so fun to see them grow and develop. I love that they recognize our voices and will stop crying when we talk to them. They are such sweet babies. I stand by my statement that they will be very tough because of their big brother. They both have taken pacifiers to the eyes, nose, forced in their mouth, all of course out of the goodness of Quinn's heart as he tries to help us out. Quinton really has come to like them. The other morning we were getting in the car and I had taken Myla and Quinton out first and Quinn ran back to the front door saying "Ex, Ex" (for Rex) he was quite concerned that I had left him in the house. Quinn loves to sit in the Bumbo chairs with the babies and gladly with hold a bottle or help me burp them. Quinton has adjusted well to his role as a big brother.

Myla showing off her incredible neck strength.
Just being sweet
Right now Rex is more of the vocal or the two in terms of making sweet little noises (not crying, Myla wins for loudest cry) and Myla is a lot stronger (again, she doesn't have quite as much to lift up). Rex will smile and make sweet cooing noises. Myla just loves to look around and refuses to put her head down and is always pushing off your lap with her legs. Both continue to be such great babies.

The babies were dressed and ready for Thankgiving but as you can see, Dan was not! It was kind of fun to get them dressed up and looking sharp!
Here are a few videos of the babies. Sorry that they are not super exciting but babies at this ago don't do a whole lot!
Myla Smiling
Rex Smiling
Babies together... Dan and Quinn are listening to music and singing and dancing in the background!
They like hanging together
We continue to be amused and in love with Quinn. His new favorite thing to do is to burp not only Rex and Myla but also Dan and I. He constantly wants to burp us and breaks into giggles while doing it! He also enjoys being naked (or just in his diaper). He is absolutely hilarious and runs all around the house saying "nake, nake" meaning naked! He really brings so much joy and laughter to our house. It is so fun to see all that he understands and how much he tries to communicate with us. He continues to love guitars and has a new adoration for little match box cars. He will play so nicely by himself with his cars while I feed Rex and Myla. I find them EVERYWHERE in our house because he thinks its fun to drive them around in crazy places.

Quinn is always getting into something... literally!
Quinton just woke up from his nap and wanted to join Rex for some tummy time.
My handsome, bright eyed little boy showing off a little smirk.
A sleeping baby is one of the sweetest things!
Dan doing a little multitasking. Holding Rex and playing with Quinn. We have become experts at doing many things at once. Feeding, burping, playing, and of course singing. Whenever Quinn is sad all you have to do is start singing and he forgets all his troubles!
Quinn enjoying a little playdough (thank you Ashley for the suggestion). We made snakes, balls, and shapes. I am no playdough expert but I think it will be a fun indoor activity for the winter!
Being goofy with Daddy... something these two boys are VERY good at!
Oh how I love a messy face!
My little drummer boy! Practically ANYTHING these days can be turned into a guitar or a drum. He is truly a creative and musical little boy and boy does he ever like to make noise. I am thankful that Rex and Myla are such good sleepers through all the music!

Growing up my mom had this saying in a frame...

"Cleaning and Scrubbing can wait till tomorrow for babies grow up we have learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."

I am learning how true this is. My house may not be the cleanest right now (I do pick it up every day) but Dan and I are really enjoying our children. It is such a blessing to get to cuddle them and play with Quinn and read books and hold a sleeping baby in your arms. The twins will be three months old this week and I can't believe how fast time has already gone. I don't want to miss any of it because I am too busy doing other things. I am so thankful for my family. I have discovered that being thankful (even when you're awake in the middle of the night) makes life such a joy!