Thursday, October 15, 2009

B's.... Babies, Baking, Bloody Noses, Boogers, Big Brother, Bubbles, Big Boy Bed...

B's...Today's letter on the Wee Rude is B and the number is 3!
B stands for... Babies, Baking, Bloody Noses, Boogers, Big Brother, Bubbles, Big Boy Bed, Baths... and well, the number 3 is for the number of children who keep me constantly on the go but who I love like crazy.

The Rude house is a little messier and a little more chaotic but we are all doing great! Quinton is slowly but surely adjusting to life as a
Big Brother and will even go and push the swing or give one of the Babies a pacifier. These are little accomplishments but we are pleased with the Baby steps that Quinn is making.

Dan is in heaven here holding all 3 of his Babies!The Babies are doing wonderful. They are growing like CRAZY and it seems like they are eating all the time. The doctors said that if they keep gaining weight as fast as they are that we will have some 50lb one year olds... but they are not worried, they said that premies tend to gain weight faster to catch up so we hope you enjoy watching them grow, we sure are! They are having a little more awake time and we enjoy singing songs to them and Quinton likes to find all of their facial features. Rex and Myla enjoy cuddling together!
Babies doing a little tummy time while looking at each other
Beautiful Babies
Almost like being back in the womb...Rex taking all of Myla's space and Myla trying to push him around!
Bloody Nose!
Quinn got his first Bloody nose the other night while wrestling around with Dan and I. He didn't get to upset but wanted right back in the game! It was a fun time for the three of us and Quinton charmed us with tons of laughter.

Thank you Nana for the good idea to wash dishes together! This has become a favorite past time which usually results in a change of clothing but a fun time for Quinn.
Washing the dishes!
Quinton put on an apron and practiced some baking with my friend Angela the other day. They made Blueberry (sticking with the B theme) muffins.
I think we will be doing a lot of Baking through the winter months.
Check out his cool apron from my days at Starbucks... its quite Big but gets the job done and Quinton feels pretty cool while wearing it!
Big Brother getting close to Rex and Myla... just checking them out!Being Goofy with Daddy
We are not sure where Quinn learned this but when you tell him to smile he squints his eyes and makes a funny face... I'm blaming Dan!
hmmm... what a smile from my favorite 18 month old!
Quinn found a pan and wore it as a hat. The funniest part was that he kept running into things and laughing hysterically!
He likes to show off his legs!

Quinn's new hat for winter! He still loves being outdoors despite the colder weather. And he still loves getting messy. They only problem is that he HATES Baths. The poor boy screams and screams. We have tried everything. We don't even wash his hair anymore in the bath thinking maybe it is the water in his eyes. A friend gave him a Bubble machine for the Bath, we bought tub markers... NOTHING WORKS! Anyone have any other ideas?? This boy needs a good soak in the tub!
Big Boy Bed!
Thank you Aunt Dana for helping out with Quinton's new
Bed! Although he is not in it regularly, an occasional nap is pretty fun! We went with the cars and planes theme. They seem to be some of Quinton's favorite things! I can't believe how Big he is getting!
Dan and I could not be happier with all of our kids together. We are in the midst of our first cold for Quinn and I and are constantly wiping Boogers and hoping that Rex, Myla and Dan don't get it. But other than that we are enjoying every minute of our life, including the middle of the night feedings that Dan and I get to do together. We have grown quite fond of our late night/early morning "talk time" where we get to catch up on life!
We love our 3 kids and the journey that we are on with them... we just wish that we each had 3 more arms!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Quinn is around the age where Rachel gave up baths for a while. Have you tried substituting a shower with Daddy or Mommy? For about a year, that was all Rachel would do--she came back around to baths when she got to start taking them with her baby brother!

Darling babies--give everyone a kiss from us!