Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Rex Michael and Myla Jane will be two weeks old tomorrow!! The other night I went to the hospital alone and got to hold both of my babies together! They were reunited for the first time since the womb! I think they enjoyed their time together!

They are both in open cribs now which makes the room look so much friendlier. It is also nice for Dan and I because we are able to take them out of their cribs ourselves and hold them! Rex and Myla are doing great. We are truly blessed at their progress. The nurses in the NICU call them little "Rock Stars" because of how well they are doing and progressing! The last big hurdle before they can come home, if there are no big set backs, is gaining weight and taking every feeding from either a bottle or breast. They are still on their feeding tubes but when I am at the hospital I can try and breast feed them. Neither one has taken a full feeding but they sure do try hard and then they get tuckered out pretty fast! It's amazing the energy that sucking takes! We continue to be thankful for our two new babies and how they are doing. We are hoping that in the next two weeks both our babies will be at home with us. I am praying that they are able to come home within three days of each other!

Myla Jane

Myla waving hello
We are working on putting some meat on her bones!
"Kangarooing" with Daddy... I think she LOVED it!
Rex Michael
My little Stud! Check out the monkey outfit!
Dan and I are holding up as we make runs back and forth to the hospital. We are anxiously awaiting our whole family being all together. Quinton is still doing wonderful. He is such a joy to be around and keeps me busy! We continue to enjoy being outside and are taking advantage of the beautiful September weather. I cannot believe that it is already the 16th... man how time is flying! We are so thankful for Quinton over these last two months and what a tremendous little boy he is. During Aunt Kelly's visit to Des Moines last weekend she reestablished her spot in Quinton's heart with sour gummy worms and goldfish! We enjoyed her visit and her help!
Enjoying the outdoorsSquirrel watching!
He found one!
Playing at the Park!
My Favorite 17 month old!
I hope you all enjoy the pictures of our three beautiful children. I have a feeling in the weeks and months to come that posting pictures and updates will be put slightly on the back burner but I will do my best to keep you all posted! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Keep praying they come home soon! We cannot wait!


Kelly said...

I'd like to think I won my place back with Quinn not just by bribing him with food, but also by building Lego towers, taking him to see babies, and chasing him around the house :)

YLIMA said...

THAT IS SOOO GREAT! I'll keep praying for you and your adorable family! I'm so thankful for you!