I could add a lot more to the title of this entry, but that is just a glimpse of what life is like with Quinton.... BUSY!! but we sure do love it!!
The picture above is Quinton trying to imitate his dad by flexing his muscles. But the video is priceless!! I hope you enjoy it!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRC174u4sCUHe is a walking man now and I am pretty sure that he thoroughly enjoys the freedom that comes with walking. He has also tackled climbing onto the couch by himself and if there is a railing he likes to climb up stairs on his feet now. He is totally a hot shot!
Here is a walking video from a couple of weeks ago. He has gotten even better at walking since this video!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgsIjztHrAkQuinton's new favorite treat is a Popsicle! He loves them... especially when he gets to hold them himself. It usually requires a bath or getting hosed off afterward but it keeps us cool in the summer!

What a joy he is!

Watching airplanes has become quite a popular past time in the Rude home. Even when we are inside and he hears one go by he points upward. Although sometimes a lawnmower is mistaken for an airplane. But we sure do spend a lot of time looking up in the sky for them. Every time we have planned to go out near the airport it has been bad weather but we are hoping to get out there soon and watch some planes!
Although the bib covers over half his body he still manages to get the popsicle everywhere!!

Enjoying his Popsicle!

We have not blown up his kiddie pool yet (I suppose getting a pump would help in that whole process). But his baby bath had served us just fine. Between that and the hose we have plenty of fun with water! Sometimes I even sneak a bath in while we are outside, the tricky mom that I am!

What a wonderful day we had! After church festivities were over it was off to the pool for the Rude family. Quinton LOVES his dad and enjoyed playing in the pool, swinging and just being with his dad! He had a special treat earlier that morning and got an early lesson in how to be a MAN from his dad as he learned how to shave!! Dan is truly an amazing father to Quinton. He likes to toughen him up a little and he makes sure that he gets wrestled around a little bit and picked on! They truly are the two biggest blessings in my life! And I cannot wait to continue on this journey of our growing family with Dan!

This picture does not capture it... but Quinton really did find the whole shaving experience pretty entertaining!

Quinton LOVES bubbles. He will grab them off the shelf in his room and say bubbles as he walks to the front door. He finds it quite fascinating to pop the bubbles!

My Little Helper in the kitchen!! He was sitting on the counter while I cut up the strawberries and he just needed a few to snack on!

I just had to take this picture... I can't believe how big my baby is getting! How precious he is as he sleeps!

Even before we discovered that twins were on the way I was on the look out for a cradle to have in our upstairs (Dan and I sleep upstairs and the babies rooms are downstairs) for when the babies are first born. I stumbled upon a FABULOUS deal and walked away with this beautiful wooden cradle and bedding (although I hope to make new bedding) for $15. Needless to say I was thrilled. It doesn't appear very big in the pictures but in person two babies will be fine sleeping in it together for a couple of months. From what I hear, twins prefer to be together at least for a while. I can't wait to fill it up with Wee #2 and #3!!

Some girlfriends were thrilled with the news that we are having a girl and have already gone shopping for girl clothes!

We are now 22 weeks along with the twins. Please continue to pray for a safe pregnancy. Even in just one week they have become such a part of our family. We can't wait to meet them!