Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I'm not quite sure that there are words to express how thankful I am for three very important Dads in my life, Dan, Tim Rude and my Dad.

Dan is above and beyond the most incredible man that I know. I know that I mention this quite often but Dan is the most amazing Dad. Saying my children adore him is an understatement. I'm pretty sure that I could go on for hours about how thankful I am to love our children along side of him but these days things like this will make me cry so today I'm just going to say Thank you Dan!

Dan's first few moments as a dad. It's hard to even remember that!
One of my favorite pictures of Dan and QuinnDan is ALWAYS willing to play and LOVE each of our children and make them feel so special!Daddy and his wee ones.

Before Dan came along the most important man in my life, was my Dad. I'm pretty sure that my sisters and I are the luckiest kids alive to have this handsome man for our Dad. He is someone who loves us deeply, sacrifices so much for us and would drop everything to help us. A man that I admire greatly, respect so much and LOVE!

Quite possibly our first picture together
I'm thinking that we both have lovely hair in this picture. I get my blue eyes from my Daddy.
I have never lacked love from this man.Dancing on my wedding day.
This is a favorite picture of mine!I love my dad dearly and I get so excited that my children get to know him and love him so much. They often times walk around our house holding cell phones and calling "Papa."

Dan's dad, Tim Rude, is another amazing man and is admired by many. He is the father of 10 children who he loves dearly and grandfather to 10 (with 3 more on the way). He is a man that Dan and I greatly respect and learn so much from! We are truly thankful for him.

A sweet picture of Dan and Tim flexing their muscles.
Tim and 4 of his 7 boys in Spain on a mission trip.
Dan, Jason, Tim, Steve, DaveTim and Dan on our wedding dayTim and I on my wedding day.
He has been a blessing as a Father-in-law!I hope that my three boys would learn so much from these three men and grow up to be dads of honor and integrity and to love their children the way that these three men have. I am blessed and honored to have each of these men in my life and my children BLESSED to have these men in their life.

Happy Father's Day!

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