Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Growing up with three daughters, my dad always made us feel so special on Valentine's Day. Every year we would get a new necklace and a card from him. It would be sitting at the breakfast table for us to open when we got up. I always loved those necklaces. My dad did and continues to do such an amazing job at loving his girls.

On Tuesday Dan made his girls feel pretty special as well. He got Myla and I each a rose. He brought me a delicious mocha from Caribou (best gift ever!) and a card. And had a special card for his little princess complete with sparkly fairy stickers.

She was OVER THE MOON. She seriously thought that she was the most important person in our house the whole day. She made sure that everyone she talked to on Tuesday knew that she got a flower from her Daddy. Her brothers did a fabulous job at being excited for her and making her feel special as well. I used Valentine's Day as the perfect excuse to buy her the best and most fitting skirt for this twirl loving daughter of mine. The only appropriate thing to do while wearing her new skirt is to TWIRL...And TWIRL...And TWIRL some more....There is nothing she likes better these days than dancing and this skirt is ideal for it. She has worn it almost constantly this week. We have to convince her to take it off to put her pajamas on at night but she has insisted that it be next to her bed. Best skirt every!Rex is quite the dancer himself. He can't hear music without getting his shoulders moving. His favorite song to sing is, "Jingle Bells. Daddy smells." He breaks that song out regularly throughout the day.

Bustin a move.Valentine's Day was so sweet thanks to my wonderfully amazing husband. I don't think Myla has ever doubted her Daddy's love for her but she definitely soaked in the extra love and attention. We truly are some loved girls here at the Rude house. Blessed beyond words.

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