Friday, August 19, 2011

Traveling Titan!

Titan was only 6 days old when he traveled to 3 different states and road PERFECTLY for 7.5 hours in the car. Talk about a busy first week of life!

About a week before we found out that we were expecting a baby (way back in December) my parents planned a vacation for my whole family to Hayward, Wisconsin. My mom grew up going to Hayward every summer and then continued the tradition when we were growing up. Once my parents moved to Arkansas we stopped going to Hayward in the summer but they decided to have us all enjoy some family time together there this summer. Vacation started on August 6th, our due date was August 10th but because all my other kiddos were so early we were convinced that we would be just fine. Well, Titan came on his own timing (perfect timing because he was so big and healthy) but we were forced to be flexible with our vacation plans. We ended up going up a few days later than everyone else but still got 4 full days of playing on the beach and enjoying my family.

The look on Myla's face is a pretty good glimpse as to how much fun my kids had.
The condos are right on the water which was so much fun. It made going to the beach, swimming, playing in the sand, catching frogs way less of a big deal. When you are right there you don't have to pack up everything because if you forgot sunscreen or towels or snacks all you had to do was run inside and grab them. It was just perfect.It was strange to think about my own kids playing in Hayward because I grew up playing in Hayward. I grew up going for boat rides in these boats and playing on this beach. Not that my children could comprehend it at all, but it was fun to be able to see them enjoy a part of my childhood! And I loved being able to share it with Dan too!
Titan did FABULOUS! Like I said before he was a CHAMP in the car and LOVED all the extra arms to hold him and cuddle him. I'm pretty sure that every nap for 4 days was in someone's arms!
The weather was beautiful but slightly cooler than we were hoping, making swimming a short lived activity. They did however go in 3 days and enjoyed walking around near the shore and doing some shivering jumps to Daddy and Papa.
I opted for just putting my feet in the water.
Dan enjoyed getting some extra time to enjoy our kiddos. He got to take some naps with Titan and some play time with our big kids.
Both of my sisters were there in Hayward with us as well as Dana's husband Ryan and my mom's sister Sue. It was a perfect group and my kids enjoyed all their Aunts, Uncles and Nana and Papa!
The kids doing some jumps. The men doing the catching!
Rex inherited Quinn's army print Twins hat because Uncle Ry Ry found Quinn a bigger Twins hat. Ryan is from Iowa and says that he knows what it's like to grow up without having a team to cheer for so he is turning my kids into Twins fans so they will have a team to cheer for! Maybe someday we will get to enjoy a game at the new stadium!
Nana and Ty
Quinn and Papa enjoying some special time fishing together.
There were some good catches!
After a while of Quinton fishing Rex and Myla got to come and hold some fish. They don't care much about the catching but they love holding the fish! Luckily the fish were very little and easy for the to hold.
Titan was living the life!
Uncle Ry doing some swimming
Myla got chilly, Papa was excited to snuggle.
The boys in the water!
I got some sweet snuggles from my Rex
Rex enjoying some splashing in the lake
I'm pretty sure that my children had sand in the diapers, ears, hair, nails, every place imaginable. Approximately 90% of our time was spent digging in the sand. There were some fun diggers and trucks at the beach, they made "sand soup" multiple times a day, they covered their feet, they made and destroyed sand castles, they were so happy in the sand. The first thing that Quinn asked for when he woke up was to go play in the sand, immediately after meals they would run back out to the sand, Quinn even asked me tonight to go play in the sand again with the trucks.
Aunt Sue getting some Titan time!
Aunt Kelly being so fun
Splashing in the lake
Nana and Titan
What cute girls, Aunt Kel and Myla.
The most handsome baby boy EVER!
Aunt Sue and Quinn playing trucks
We were so blessed to enjoy such fabulous family time. My children all enjoyed the extra playmates and all the love and attention. I love getting to be with all of my family together and getting to share my kids with them. We are so thankful that Titan decided to make his debut when he did so that we could take him on such a fun vacation.

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