Saturday, March 3, 2012

Much to Celebrate

We have much to celebrate at the Rude house. Papa's birthday was March 1st. Titan was 7 months yesterday March 2nd. And the Double Trouble Twins are two and a half today.

I feel like lately life is going faster than I can keep up with. There are many days when I don't even get to peak at my computer. I literally go, go, go, go, go and then crash when I get upstairs. My big kids have been napping less which makes a huge difference in my day. Because of the shorter naps I have to get things done quicker, trying to prep for dinner, clean, take a quick nap if needed, return phone calls, make a grocery list for the week, pay bills, fold laundry, then before I know it it's time to get everyone up.

I love our busy, crazy, loud, energetic house. I was just thinking this evening how our house is NOT lacking in excitement. My children are a blast. They are constantly having fun. One can't help but have a smile on as they race, wrestle, play house, and make the absolute sweetest noises to make Titan smile.

So in the midst of life moving so fast I miss my blogging and I missed my Daddio's birthday and Titan's 7 month update. So they are all landing on today, Rex and Myla's half birthday.

My children enjoyed serenading Papa several times on his answer machine before finally connecting with him where once again they broke into song.

Happy Birthday Dad.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing Dad and I love that my children know him so well and adore him. I'm thankful for phones, skyping, and visits that have helped develop such a strong relationship. Adoration is mutual. My heart delights when I see my children and my dad playing together.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my Dad. He is watching my kiddos run and play. They are coming back up to visit us for Quinton's 4th Birthday. Thinking about it might make me cry... but we have a mission, take pictures of Papa with Titan.

Next up, Titan's 7th months. Oh my. He is a JOY to be around. I absolutely love watching him grow and change and figure things out. He loves any food that you put in his mouth including chowing down vegetables like a hungry hippo. He especially likes real big kid food (obviously broken down very small). He just likes to be like his siblings. About the only thing Ty doesn't like is when you walk out of the room or when someone besides me or Dan is holding him. What can I say, he kind of likes me. But it is an earned role in his life, a role that as a mother I totally cherish. And finally we celebrate my two and a half year olds. They are no longer babies because they are in UNDERWEAR!!!!


Yes, I took the plunge. I tried it out a few times but my commitment wasn't fully there. Almost two weeks ago I decided to dive in and not turn back. Much to my delight they are doing well and caught on quickly. They still struggle a little when we are out and about, I'm sure much of that is because I don't remember to ask them as often. It takes slightly longer to get out the door making sure three kiddos have gone to the bathroom but I've now factored that into my day and we seem to have it down.

It's funny the things that excite me these days. But let me give you a little perspective, for two and a half years I have had at least 2 children in diapers and for two of those years I have had three children in diapers. Yes, three children. And now I'm down to ONE CHILD IN DIAPERS. Now that is something to celebrate.

The next few pictures are causing me to celebrate.... color in my house. I have been wanting to paint our house for some time now. I got inspired the other day. Asked Dan if I could paint, without really even seeing the color he agreed. What a guy! The problem with being inspired is that because of the shortage of nap time my inspiration must include six little hands. So, I bought some paint, some cheap brushes, taped down a tarp, and put them to work. Crazy to allow my wee ones to help me paint my kitchen? Maybe, but I went with it.

They were thrilled. After about an hour of painting my dear sister-in-law Julia walked upstairs and seeing my itching desire to have my kitchen painted volunteered her whole morning to helping me. I'm pretty sure that she completed significantly more than half. I'm so thankful to her for helping my need for color become a reality. If it were not for her it might still be only half done. Thank you Julia.The thrill of painting did not last long enough to complete the whole kitchen. Quinn really enjoyed helping almost the entire time and the twins sat in the middle of the kitchen floor playing in cloud dough. By nap time my kitchen was painted, my children were messy, cloud dough was everywhere, but we were all SOOOO excited for Dan to get home to show him our project. I will have to post more pictures soon of the completed project although I never feel like a camera captures the true color of the room. Any volunteers to help me get things up on the walls and decorate? I need help!Much to celebrate here at the Rude house. The best way to celebrate anything is painting in ones underwear.... right??

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